domenica 14 maggio 2023

Francis "FoXo" Reardon - Bozo - 22 - 1 - 1951

The character Bozo was created by Foxo Reardon at age 16. Starting as early as 1925, the comic strip appeared as a local weekly in The Times-Dispatch until it achieved national and international syndication through the Chicago Sun-Times Syndicate in 1945. Bozo appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Sunday for twenty years before it was syndicated nationally and internationally by Field Enterprises in 1945. Bozo was syndicated from 1945 to 1955. (da Wikipedia)

da GoComics

giovedì 11 maggio 2023

Francis "FoXo" Reardon - Bozo - 24 - 11 - 1947

Bozo is the first pantomime-style comic strip, was created by the cartoonist Francis X. Reardon (with the pen name Foxo Reardon, or FoXo Reardon), who penned it beginning from 1921, until his death in 1955. Bozo is called America's original pantomime comic strip. Bozo ran both as a daily comic strip as well as on Sundays.

The word "bozo", that was practically unknown in the 1920s, was popularized by the cartoonist Foxo Reardon through this weekly newspaper strip, decades before the appearance of Bozo the Clown. (da Wikipedia).